CLEVER + HANDSOME..EST XIAN update her half-dead bloggie~~~ lol..

aiyoo.. coz last time i was busy working.. sumore i m lazy..

BUT I m very very very hardworking reading u guys' blog de~ yo~


1ST : 18 MAC 2010

HAPPY BIRTHDAY again to mun mun.. ^o^

sadly, i have to go for my work b4 the singing k session end. huhu~

the cake we bought reli very nice! ^^.. normally i will feel very zei de if eat normal sponge cake.. hoho..

but dis time i m the one who finished it 1st.. yeah~ yummy~

ps:ocm n  huai gu, 2moro rite? haha..





JLYM 4ever!


2nd: 2 MAC 2010


spot the drink.. not my yss didi n his fren. derek.. haha.

i luv red bean drink, ice cream.. hehe.. NICE!



tell u 1 thing..

the sauce reli very yummy leh!! haha

But the chicken chop very bian lor..


3rd : 7 mac 2010

went for a night movie at ts.. my didi's fren (derek) fetch.

we watched PERCY JACKSON - the lightning thief..

for me, very nice.. haha.



4th : duno when .. at KFC

i like dis pic.. since my pc is lag dat time, so i oni managed to save dis pic.. haha.. the only one..will curi di huai gu de blog when i m free larr.. haha.




5th: During CNY..

i joined them after my work. they ajak my didi oso .. then mai bring him go there.

we gambled.. played blackjack, in between. i won RM 20 dat day.. haha..

won again RM 10 at my house.. coz got 1 day we had our form 6 gang's gathering. we had our dinner at gasoline at hulu langat there.. then we fel like wanna gamble .. then then then.. they go to my house except c n cheng mun..

we played till 12.30am sumthing..  1st time my fren visit my house during cny.. (WE FORGET TO TAKE ANY PICS DAT DAY..).. haha




6th : 27 mac 2010

today is the majlis kecemerlangan . go wif my parent.

last few days, i oni realised dat oni those who get 3A in stpm can attend oni.. i tot 5 ppl.

so oni me n cheng mun attend. sue nee got work so absent.

our yam cha plan oso canceled due to sum reason. sori ya.. T_T




omg!!! i smile so weird.. haiz..



i wear a little bit high heel .. dats y i look taller.. haha.

she is my makroekonomi teacher. i paling suka dia coz she look cute.. haha..



wi wit~~ RM100 leh!!dis yr special sikit.. money increased from RM60 to RM 100.. sumore got medal wor.. wow~~

can use dat RM100 2moro ler~~ ^^..



 found it on the board outside our dewan.. can spot me? the shortest (same height wif lut nee nee).. i was wearing our cempaka class shirt.. hoho.. lucky shirt.



i think i m very geng again.. can compress many events in 1 post agn.. haha.. call me clever xian~ (no lut xian anymore ).. lolxx..




xianshine2 發表在 痞客邦 留言(7) 人氣()

  • Mar 01 Mon 2010 23:12
  • Yeah..

yeah!! Finally i can sign in my pixnet blog ler..

In INTERNET EXPLORER instead of mozilla firefox..

how cum arr? =.="


so boring arr sitting at home. (waiting for my tauke to call me.)

if got yam cha muz call me arr~~~~~~~~~ yummy~


dats all larr.. bye~




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我终于有时间上网了.. 之前不是做 full 就是 会到家后看完电视就去睡了... 所以懒得上网...


我这一个工作是走 fair de.. so, 一个 fair 完了以后就休息一两天.. 之后 在另一个地方的 fair 做.. 

之前在 isetan 的 4F 是跟 1 个 auntie 一起做的.. 她叫jenny.. 人很好的. 会亲力亲为..我们的 fair 是 5 jan - 21jan de.. 我是中间插进来的.. (16jan)..


然后22-27 jan.. 是在 isetan 外面做.. 那边的冷气开得好小... so yss.. 不像 isetan 的几凉...

做这一个 fair de 依然有我还有 jenny (5 个孩子..最大的22岁在 sg 工作).. 再加埋 ah ling jie. -27岁..(她已经是2个孩子的妈了..) ah ling jie 是 top sale lai de..   我很佩服她的卖bag 能力.. 还在旁边偷师呢.. ngek ngek..


我差点弄丢了我的 punch card.. huhu.. 吓死我了..

我明明夹在我的小练习簿里.. 我之前还拿它来煽 tim~~~ 之后要搬东西时不知道随手丢它去哪里

我们怎样找都找不到..  到 break time 了.. 我跟jenny 一起去吃饭顺便去 shop a lot 找 salleh 拿多一张新的.. 之后在用笔填上去.. 可惜他不在.. 我们只好回去..

回去后 jenny 再帮我找多一遍... 不一会儿的功夫终于找到了.. 在其中一个箱子内.. zadao.. 当时很开心又很感谢 jenny..

还有 ling jie, 她帮我跟 security guard 讲假如有看到一本蓝色的书本记得跟我们讲.. huhu.


fri,sat and sunday 算蛮多人了.. (比起以前在 4F 的时候.. )..

蛮紧张的... 因为有 top sale 在.. 原以为只需在顾客旁边讲有多少 percent 的折扣就行了.. hoho.. (我跟 jenny 在 4f 的时候是酱的

然后我就请教 ling jie.. 她就教我怎样怎样.. 我现在算是驾轻就熟了.. ngek ngek..


23 jan 那天lut ying ying 和小大 来找我.. 很开心的咧..

lut ying ying 讲那个款式的 bag 蛮美的  跟我觉得的是一样的.. hoho.. 因为那个款式简单的来又美..

当没有客人的时候我常拿一个 dark brown 的 bag 来背然后对着镜子照.. hoho.. 本人觉得满适合我的.. hoho...

有时我们会去试鞋子.. 因为我们的 fair 是handbag and shoes de.. 

好想买一双高跟鞋玩下.. hoho.. (被吓到吗? lol)


我约 lut ying ying 去吃lunch.. 还有小大 wang de 4f..

我们聊了聊... 之后小大帮我们拍照... 谢谢小大.. 还有我以为她只大我们 1 yr 而已.. 想不到...



lut ying ying and clever xian... hoho



aiya.. 我很懒惰讲了... 就酱啦... lol..

明天我是在 amp point 做工.. 紧张的咧... 因为有时会只有我一个人而已...huhu.. 超怕的咧..

之前有 jenny 大多数负责找货.. 有 ling jie 帮忙拉客... huhu..

k larr... i play game 1st .. bye~





xianshine2 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

hihi~~ i started working for 5 days ard..

is sell handbag and sikit wallet de~~ yoohoo~~ the brand is "SMART".. (coz i m clever xian)

i will start working for around 16 days 1st at LOT 10.. then most probably will change to amp point..


there is a fair on 5-20jan at 4F in ISETAN..

i think hor, my company de brand de handbags are my taste.. simple and nice.. hehe..

others de ok ok oni sum are colourful..  (diff ppl diff taste~~ hoho)


my job is serve the costumer when they are looking at our bagss..

and take a new handbag for them and write receipt.. and bring them to the cashier..


it's very boring if there is no costumer .. (u noe larr.. LOT 10.. not like KLCC .. everyday oso have many ppl).. juz chit chat or juz "jogging" myself around my counter.. sienz dao~


i like it when the costumer buy my bags continuously... hoho~~ (can meh? )

if too many at the same time, me sure will pengsan de.. have to find bag, write receipt..  haiz..


got 1 funny thing is , 1 jap gong gong said to me in japanese..omg!

then i tried my very best to understand wat he want to say to me by using my intelligent brain.. lol~~

I'm clever chubby xian mah~~ haha..


some mat saleh very friendly and nice .. and oso african.. (good good)..


there is 1 mistake happened..

hard to explain here.. u guys can ask me next time if see dao me.. haha.. (hope i m still rmb ..)

have to say wat leh.. hmm.. duno .. dats all larr.. lol..


ah! my yss didi passed the driving exam ytd~~ hooray~ ^^

today me sakit perut so went to oh boo boo in the staff toilet.. haiz.. (moubin.. it's accident.. )..









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  • Jan 15 Fri 2010 15:16
  • 烦.



















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可以上网的感觉真的是太爽了!!! 可以打发时间.. 又可以跟好友们聊聊~~

之前的假期真的是闷到~~~~ 不是吃了就睡,就是醒了就看电视... sien dao~~~haha


但是 hor, 有时要跟我的弟弟抢咧... 特别是黄金时间 (晚上).. hoho..

为了上网,我竟然放弃了我的 花样男子.. (虽然之前已经看过了..hoho)..  (快跑.. lut ying ying 要 bs 我了.. haha)



Copy of DSCN5865.jpg

去 costing 老师家的 open house. but, 照片里的是makro老师.. haha..


Copy of DSCN5867.JPG

no no no.. 这个是 finance 老师, 不是 costing 老师.. wakaka..



Copy of DSCN5873.jpg

haha.. 这个才是 costing 老师.. (应该看得出来谁是老师吧~ ^0^)


Copy of DSCN5877.jpg

haha.. 惯了.. 一看到这类型的照片就想 edit 一下.. 我本人觉得我还蛮有创意的~~ hoho~~不信? 看埋下一张..




haha.. geng leh?~~



看到日期吗? stpm 是在 19 nov.. 我们排完桌椅后就全班溜出去了.. 我们5 个 (me,soh chin, sook pei, lut sue nee and ks) 就去 leisure mall 看 2012.. 很好看.. ^^




为了要来临的 hari kantin 准备着鬼屋..



haha.. group photo.. 想不到我竟然站在中间.. 神奇啊~~~


下面几张的图片的后面的背景是黑色的.. (我喜欢酱的 feel.. )

sheewah at cemp lrt.jpg

shee wah 真的很美和可爱!!! ^^ 我喜欢叫她 leng lui, 而她总是会叫我不要酱叫她.. 很谦虚... ^^



suenee at cemp lrt.jpg

me and lut nee nee.. haha



yp at kaki corner.jpg

haha.. 很明显是edit 过的.. 蛮可爱一下嘛.. hoho..




最勇敢的一次.. hoho




有察觉到什么吗? paiseh..  有待改进... ^^




考完 stpm 的那天 @ 咖啡馆..



美女们~~ hoho..




美吗? 我拍的..




我觉得很 geng leh!! wow!




跟 ocm 去klcc 看 twilight : new moon .. (paiseh, 被你们看到我的 tissue tim~ hoho)



vivian ah pro 的妹妹真的很 cute!!!! ^^



sing k .



skinny boy n burger gurl.bmp

左边比较yong sui 的是我的弟弟画的.. 而右边那个 burger 是很有艺术天分的我画的~~ hoho~~



蛮喜欢这一张.. 我画的.. 谁还没有 click "like" it 的快快 click ba~ hoho~~


今天,临时决定陪 lut bao qing gu 去探望 mrs margaret. 因为 huai gu 很好,她陪我一起去找工..

本来是不打算去的,因为............. 我超怕老师的..huhu~~

后来终于鼓起勇气陪怀姑去了... (走的路上还是蛮怕的,我很伟大咧 huai gu? haha)

一去到那儿, 老师的佣人就来迎接我们.. huai gu 就帮我问有没有猫.. haha.. then she said :" dont worry"..

huhu.. 唯有硬着头皮进去了..... 后来老师下来了,她还跟我握手..  

之后我们 3 个就一起聊天.. (蛮怕英文讲不好的.. huhu)..


然后老师请我们喝 ice milo and choc biscuit..

聊天的当儿,老师会不时的纠正我们的 grammar .. (好怀念喔)

but hor, 有时老师会越讲越小声.. 有时我会听不懂她在讲什么.. (可能是我的英文差吧.. huhu~~~)

聊久后.. 超困的.. 可能是只睡了 4 hours 的关系吧... hehe..

我曾经有一秒是开着眼睛睡着了.. (真的).. 因为为了避免自己会不小心睡着, 我试着努力地撑大自几那不大不小的眼睛跟老师对望.. 怎知酱是行不通的.. 反而更想睡.. haha.. 于是自己偷偷的傻笑了一下.. 好好笑..


后来 huai gu 就陪我到 amp point 找工.. 现在等她通知.. 希望被录取.. haiz..

本来是做 huai gu didi 那边的,但那边人手已经足够了...







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